Our Marketing Fitness Program


We design it just for you!

Just like a physical fitness program, our "fitness" programs provide the monthly activities you need to keep your marketing/outreach strong and effective. We've created customized programs for nonprofits and small- to mid-sized organizations, much in the same way that a physical therapist customizes a fitness program based on client needs.  As a result, each program has variations and no program looks the same from client to client! The best part is that as your needs change, so can the program.

Categories of Service

Each client selects from the following Categories of Service. And, by the way, ALL programs include what you need most:

  • Phone support
  • Regularly scheduled calls
  • On demand reporting
The beauty of this program is two-fold:
- We can grow with you, without you having to try to coordinate multiple vendors.
- We can temporarily redistribute services for those times you have special projects you need help with or when you’re short staffed.

Our marketing fitness programs include the following Categories of Services:
  • Social media
  • Blogging
  • Search engine optimization
  • Google Ad Grants
  • Facebook advertising
  • Email marketing

Would you like to learn more about specific things we’ve done to help other clients…AND how we can specifically help you? We’d love to share that information with you!! Just contact us for details.
Call or text 310-947-8511
Email us